The International Seminar on Bioscience and Biological Education (ISBBE 2018)

The International Seminar on Bioscience and Biological Education


The World of Biological Education and Research in Biosciences has to overcome considerable global challenges in the 21st century. Creative and innovative human resources are important factors to answer those challenges. Empowering the community of educators and researchers is a necessity. Relevant and significant education and qualified processes are the important keys to improve the quality of bioscience and biological education researchers for keeping up with the rapid development of science, as well as  the ability to overcome the challenges. The issues of global warming, the development of alternative energy resources, the rise of biomedical and pharmacies industry, limitation of food resources as well as the biological and biotechnology-based industries are some of the necessities, opportunities and challenges to be faced by bioscience and biological education researchers in Indonesia.

In a highly open global information era, sharing creative ideas and cooperations in the field of biosciences and  biological education need to be improved through various fora and media including international seminar. This forum will become a place to raise creative and innovative ideas among Indonesian and international educators, and those of   bioscience and biological education researchers. In accordance with the focus of the problem, this international seminar has a theme : "Research and Education Innovation on Bioscience for the 21st Century Challenges." In this seminar, the Committee invites several bioscience researchers and biological education experts who already have reputation as keynote and invited speakers. Moreover, the committee also invites other Indonesian and foreign educators, educational researchers and bioscience researchers to share their ideas with.

All submitted papers will be selected and reviewed by relevant experts both from internal and external UNY. Qualified and eligible papers are going to be published to several selected Scopus-indexed International Journals, Scopus-indexed Proceedings, National Accredited Journals,  DOAJ National Indexed Journals and the rest will be published in Regular ISBBE 2018 Proceeding with ISBN.


Call for Paper

The ISBBE  2018 will bring together researchers, educators, students, and practitioners  in Biological  Science from around the world. Topics of interest for submission include:


Biology Education



The ISBBE 2018 provides opportunities to the presenters to publish their accepted and registered articles in the following publication outlets:

1. International Journals - Scopus indexed

International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology (IJAST) (Scopus)

WSEAS Transaction on Environment and Development (WSEAS) (Scopus)

Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS - IOP) (Scopus)

Asia Life Sciences (ALS) (Scopus) (Under confirmation)

2. National Accredited Journals

Biosaintifika  : Journal of Biology and Biology Education (Confirmed)

3. National Journals - DOAJ index

Journal Pendidikan Matematika dan Sains (JPMS)

Journal Sains Dasar (JSD)

4. Regular Proceeding of ISBBE 2018

Regular ISBBE 2018 Proceeding with ISBN.

Jurusan Pendidikan Biologi FMIPA UNY
Tanggal Kegiatan: 
Minggu-Rabu, 28-31 Okt 2018